HUMAN Director, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ufuk Balaman was awarded with the annual Hacettepe University Social Sciences Award in recognition of the recent DIGITASK4IC project and his recent publications. 07.10.2021
Director, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ufuk Balaman was invited to Prof Dr. Belgin Elmas's Youtube channel for an interview on HUMAN Research Centre's activities and events.16.09.2021
HUMAN Research Centre is organizing 6 online CA data sessions in 2021 spring (March-May) semester. The sessions will be held online at Zoom on Wednesdays at 15:00. Check out the flyer for details and follow us for weekly reminders of the meeting links. 02.03.2021
After some time of pandemic break to data sessions, HUMAN Research Centre is back with 6 online CA data sessions in 2020 fall semester. 05.10.2020
HUMAN Research Centre is organizing 11 CA data sessions in 2020 spring semester. The sessions will be held in the meeting room of the centre on Wednesdays at 15:00. This semester, we are having data from a great variety of settings. 26.02.2020
We are very happy to announce an upcoming event, the 2nd CA Research Day, organized by HUMAN Research Centre to celebrate our 5th anniversary on the 10th of March, 2020, Tuesday from 14:00 on, in the Faculty of Education Block-B Meeting Hall. Following opening remarks and videconferencing with the founding researchers, Olcay Sert and Safinaz Büyükgüzel, we will have eight talks on various topics studied using CA. 25.02.2020
We are really glad to announce that Prof. Dr. Götz Schwab (Karlsruhe University of Education, Germany) will give the seventh seminar of #HUMANtalks series. His talk will be on "A beneficial look at classroom interaction research and its implications for teacher education" and it will take place on January 10, 2020 at 15:00 in the Faculty of Education Block-B Meeting Hall. 17.12.2019
We are really glad to announce that Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çiler Hatipoğlu (Middle East Technical University, Turkey) will give the sixth seminar of #HUMANtalks series. Her talk will be on "Language through the Pragmatics and Cross-cultural Communication Looking Glass" and it will take place on November 22, at 14:00 in the Faculty of Education Block-B Meeting Hall. 11.11.2019
HUMAN Research Centre is organizing 7 CA data sessions in 2019 fall semester. The sessions will be held in the meeting room of the centre on Wednesdays at 15:00. 02.10.2019
HUMAN Research Centre Director Dr. Ufuk BALAMAN gave a seminar entitled as “Classroom Interactional Competence” on May 4 2019, at the 1st Innovative Teachers Summit in Şanlıurfa, Turkey. 06.08.2019
HUMAN Research Centre is organizing 8 CA data sessions in 2019 spring semester. The sessions will be held in the meeting room of the centre on Wednesdays at 15:00. We are having data from a great variety of settings (see below). 13.03.2019
We are really glad to announce that Dr. Alia Amir (Stockholm University, Sweden) will give the fifth seminar of #HUMANtalks series. Her talk will be on "L1 or English? The practical issues in the English as a foreign language classroom interaction" and it will take place on January 8, at 15:00 in the Faculty of Education Block-B Meeting Hall. 31.12.2018
Our member Res. Assist. Nergiz KARDAŞ İŞLER made a presentation of her dissertation entitled “Learner Initiatives and Learning Opportunities in Primary School Social Studies Course: A Conversation Analytic Study” to illustrate Conversation Analysis methodology on December 28, in a PhD course entitled “Qualitative Research Techniques and Applications in Social Sciences” at Gazi University Faculty of Education. 31.12.2018
We are proud to announce that our vice-director Nilüfer Can Daşkın received the Best PhD Dissertation Award with her dissertation entitled "A Conversation Analytic Study of Reference to A Past Learning Event in L2 Classroom Interaction: Implications for Informal Formative Assessment". This is the first national award for an EM/CA study in Turkey and a great milestone for the EM/CA community here! Big congratulations to Dr. Daşkın for this unprecedented achievement. 20.12.2018 Here are the details (in Turkish) of the award: //
HUMAN Research Centre is organizing 12 CA data sessions for 2018 fall semester. The sessions will be held in the meeting room of the centre on Wednesdays at 15:00. We are having data from setttings such as EFL classrooms, EFL young learner classroom, EFL teacher education, EFL students' group interactions outside the classroom, social studies classrooms, primary school setting, L2 German classrooms, language test proofreading interaction, call-center interaction, and online L2 writing peer feedback sessions. 18.10.2018
HUMAN Research Centre is organizing three reading group meetings led by Nergiz Kardaş for 2018 fall semester. Please see below the flyer for the details and schedule of the meetings. The meetings will be held in the meeting room of the HUMAN Research Centre on Wednesdays at 14:00. 19.10.2018
HUMAN Research Centre is organizing three reading group meetings led by Nergiz Kardaş for 2018 spring semester. Please see below the flyer for the details and schedule of the meetings. The meetings will be held in the meeting room of the HUMAN Research Centre on Wednesdays at 14:00. 26.02.2018
HUMAN Research Centre is organizing 16 CA data sessions for 2018 spring semester. The sessions will be held in the meeting room of the centre on Wednesdays at 14:00 and 15:30. We are having data from setttings such as EFL classrooms, science classrooms, social studies classrooms, L2 English and German teacher education, task-based interaction, Turkish as a foreign language classrooms, community pharmacies, reality TV shows, teacher-tester interactions, feedback sessions, and online L2 writing peer feedback sessions. Please find the programme below. 12.02.2018
We are organizing 10 CA data sessions for 2017 fall semester. The sessions will be held in the meeting room of the centre on Wednesdays at 15:00. We are having data from setttings such as EFL classrooms, science classrooms, social studies classrooms, EFL teacher education, task-based interaction, Turkish as a foreign language classrooms, community pharmacies, reality TV shows, teacher-tester interactions, and online L2 writing peer feedback sessions. Click below to find details. 06.10.2017
We are proudly celebrating the second anniversary of our research centre's foundation with a one-day seminar event. Please find the details of HUMAN Conversation Analysis Research Day, which will be held on the 10th of March, 2017. 13.02.2017
HUMAN CA Data Sessions 2017 Spring Programme is out now! 20.02.2017
Olcay Sert is now the Editor in Chief of Routledge's Classroom Discourse journal. 01.01.2017
Safinaz Büyükgüzel, vice-director of HUMAN Research Center, gains a PhD degree from the department of French Language Teaching. 19.12.2016
Rice University's CLIC has released a video database on Youtube based on the invited talks in the recent The Teaching and Testing of L2 Interactional Competence where our direct Olcay Sert also gave a talk. 01.11.2016
HUMAN Research Centre director has received the award of "making a difference in education" granted by Hacettepe University Rectorate. 11.10.2016
Müge Satar (Boğaziçi University) and Ciara Wigham (Université Blaise Pascal) will give the fourth seminar of #HUMANtalks series. Their talk will be on “INSTRUCTION-GIVING SEQUENCES IN TASK-BASED ONLINE TEACHING PRACTICES OF FRENCH TEACHER TRAINEES” and it will take place on the 7th of October, at 15:00 in the Faculty of Education Block-B Meeting Hall. Müge Satar will give a presentation on their research with Ciara Wigham’s participation via teleconferencing. 12.09.2016
The programme for data sessions in Fall, 2016 is now out. 06.09.2016
We are really proud to announce that our director Dr. Olcay Sert's book Social Interaction and L2 Classroom Discourse by Edinburgh University Press has been shortlisted for British Association for Applied Linguistics 2016 Book Prize. Find more details at EUP website.02.09.2016
VEO project appears in national newspapers! 11.07.2016
HUMAN Research Centre researchers Dr. Olcay Sert, Safinaz Büyükgüzel, and Ufuk Balaman visited University College, Kolding and Odense campuses of University of Southern Denmark, and Rasmus Rask Primary School in Denmark. With the project group, the researchers attended a couple of data sessions, audited some classes in the teacher education institution in Denmark; University College, and observed an English language class in Rasmus Rask Primary School. The visit was the first project meeting of the Parallel Worlds: Early Foreign Language Teaching and Teacher Education project. The next meeting meeting will be organised by HUMAN team and held in Turkey in early August. 10-15 May, 2016
HUMAN researchers presented their research in one of the largest applied linguistics conference in the world organised by American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL2016, Orlando). We were also very proud to witness that HUMAN director Dr. Sert's recent book by EUP sold out at the conference. 9-12 April, 2016
HUMAN Research Centre partners with University of Southern Denmark for a project on early English teacher education funded by Danish Agency for Science Technology and Innovation. 01.03.2016
We are very proud to announce that HUMAN Research Centre director Olcay Sert and researcher Merve Bozbıyık will lead the EU funded VEO EUROPA project in Turkey as project partners. 29.02.2016
HUMAN Research Centre Director Dr. Olcay Sert has been invited to give a keynote speech in Symposium on the Teaching and Testing of L2 Interactional Competence organised by Rice University's Center for Languages & Intercultural Communication on the 29th of April, 2016. 01.02.2016
We are honored to announce that a special issue on Interaction Studies in Turkish language has been published in Journal of Linguistics and Literature with the contributions of the members of HUMAN Research Centre. The first piece by our centre has come from Olcay Sert, Ufuk Balaman, Nilüfer Can Daşkın, Safinaz Büyükgüzel, and Hatice Ergül and the article has introduced "CONVERSATION ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY" to Turkish audience. Furthermore, Olcay Sert and Ufuk Balaman's article on "co-construction of knowledge", Olcay Sert, Merve Bozbıyık, Melih Elçin, and Sevgi Turan's article on "medical interaction", Safinaz Büyükgüzel and Serap Gül's article on "overlap resolution", and Hatice Ergül's article on "membership categorisation analysis" have been the works that our members have presented as original contrubitions to social interaction research in Turkish language.Click here to view entire issue of the journal. 18.12.2015
Prof. Dr. Yeşim Aksan and Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aksan of Corpus Research Centre will give the third seminar of HUMANtalks series. Their talk will be on the "Corpus Linguistics and Its Applications" and it will take place on the 16th of December, at 15:00 in the Faculty of Education Block-B Meeting Hall.04.12.2015
Our vice-directors Ufuk Balaman and Safinaz Büyükgüzel have been invited to Southern Denmark University with a scholar grant. They will spend two weeks in Denmark and present their data in sessions. Ufuk Balaman will also give a talk as part of their academic visit. They will also attend an intensive EMCA course organised by Design and Communication department of the university.29.11.2015
HUMAN Research Centre organises the second seminar of HUMANtalks series. Deniz Ortaçtepe will give a talk on Language Socialization, Identity, and Communities of Practice on the 19th of November, at 15:00 in the Faculty of Education Block-B Meeting Hall. 04.11.2015
"Social Interaction and Applied Linguistics Postgraduate Conference" #sial2015hu and workshops was held in the Faculty of Law on the 7th and 8th September. We would like express our gratitude to keynote speakers, Johannes Wagner, Simona Pekarek Doehler, and Numa Markee; workshop organisers, Evelyne Berger, Olcay Sert, Adam Brandt, Hatice Ergül, and Soren Wind Eskildsen; paper presenters, conference participants, and the conference staff. 09.09.2015
HUMAN director Olcay Sert's book "Social Interaction and L2 Classroom Discourse" published by Edinburgh University Press is now out! 01.08.2015
We are very pleased to announce that vice director of HUMAN Research Centre, Ufuk Balaman, has received the best PhD presentation award at the 17th International Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Research conference with his PhD study entitled “A Conversation Analytic Investigation into the Impact of Task Design on the Emergence of Information Gaps”. 09.07.2015
HUMAN organises an opening event on the 27th of May, in Faculty of Education B-Block Meeting Hall. HUMAN director Dr. Olcay Sert will give an opening speech and Prof. Dr. Steve Walsh from Newcastle University will give a talk on "L2 Classroom Interactional Competence and Teacher Education". This talk will also be the first speech of a seminar series called #HUMANtalks14.05.2015